zaterdag 2 augustus 2014

for sale 

Posted on 07/25/2014 by Artturi. 
Funktiå met multimedia artist Olli Suorlahden KONE Foundation's residence, the mansion of the island, Mynämäki. Cheerful Olli tells us that a good and work hard enough for the family and the projects. KONE's studio, he was VIDEOKAFFE team. Funktiå makes them the story, but first let's talk Olli. 

Ollia could be described as Tinker, an inventor who has for several years worked in many different areas in art electronics, music and media art. His numerous works have been exhibited mainly in Finland, but also in Europe and the future VIDEOKAFFE work will be completed in New York. He has been a founding member of 12 years operation of the inhabitants of Helsinki KOELSEssa (experimental electronics club) and later in Turku KOKOMYS ry (Appliances Music Friends Association, 2007). Of these projects within the framework of Olli has been involved in collective led by the "workshops" workshops where participants have to build the most interesting electronic gadgets. 

One of the project, however, was for many years a man's mind and now Olli has carried out the first commercial synthesizer. Or how you look at it, the device that is the "electronic music swiss knife". Anyway OLEGTRON * is the fully Finnish craftsmanship. 


OLEGTRON * 4060 

for sale 149 euro all in  
Achieved a cult status Olegtron * 4060 is a great device. About 10 years ago, Olli interested in CMOS circuits. The man began to experiment with in the 60's developed CMOS circuits which she builders sequencers and an oscillator. He describes a series of CMOS computer perusrakennuspalikoiksi because CMOS series has a lot of great logic gates. One of the circuit was, however, above all others, and yours the most potential: CMOS 4060! 


Olli has built an interesting device 4060, the district around 4060 and describes the circuit generative microcontroller, whose purpose is many things. The device may itself generate all, such as audio sequences, and is able to control other devices or all of these together mm. which can be controlled oscillator and divider (divider) with 10 octaves. Let it not that the CV (Control Voltage) control interested, this is the hot tip! Olegtron * 4060 is a real tool box studio arsenal. 

Very simple, but universal bends 4060 Olli's view, the best possible way: 4060 operates over a wide voltage range of the battery into the AC adapter, in principle, up to 18 volts. 4060's is not picky with respect to the power supply. 

One thing can not be assumed to deny, and can be considered as a real OLEGTRON * ina - Olegtron * 4060 has a very intuitive user interface. This is the patch: aus, or "the power", where the user can create a circle poke component to the switching panel. This interface can therefore be attached to virtually any electronic components or circuits; the wildest rumors tell of the garbage found in electronic waste have changed your gigs. 

The modular construction also has a version of 4060 to. Modular have achieved great success (again) in the production of electronic music, especially the sound of analog. Modular synthesis or synthesizer means of a sound components which are not permanently connected to each other, but can be connected to, for example cables as they wish. Modularity of synthesizers could be described as Legos are connected to each other; total cost. 

Explore the device better OLEGTRONin youtube channel. 


Olli's company, OLEGTRON * MECHATRONICS went to an imaginary project, on its own electronics factory, a kind of Warhol's Factory. Now this dream is a reality. The first commercial "synaprojekti" is finished. Olli has offices in Turku, Finland, Pääskyvuori in the barracks, but the dream of moving countries a larger house, or at least a larger study. 

Olegtron * 4060: The development took on-off style for about 3 years. Last fall, the product was ready and the first ready-made versions sold out quickly. The first 100 copies of OLEGTRON * 4060 device Olli made ​​entirely by hand, circuit, circuit board, housing, packaging; In other words, everything. Now, Turku, Mariachi factory to manufacture of the equipment for a living, leaving more time to Olli development and discovery of new equipment. In the following video, the device is put forward in a very comprehensive: 

You can also subscribe Olegtronin newsletter here! 

(And worth mentioning is the fact that Olli has made history in Finland scale by making the first modern Finnish syntetisaattorifirman.) 


Olli keep a very positive thing to do-it-yourself or do-it-yourself culture has been strongly highlighted in many ways. Many musicians and värkkäilijät have found bendauksen. Bendaus of circuit bending, or which freely "circuits persuasion" is a creative even chance based on an already existing commercial device, for example, re-editing, adding components such as switches or variable resistors. Olli's view, the best equipment bendaukseen are battery-powered toys, and ultra low power devices. The previously mentioned KOELSE and circuit bending KOKOMYS organize events, workshops, so you should keep track of teams and participate in events. Also, write Funktiå Circuit bendauksesta yet their own thing, so that this can be an extremely interesting thing to conquer our readers. 


Olli has a number of music projects, such as BUGARI ORMOND, the man's solo (or between the band) project, räppiprojekti ILKKA KALEVI Tillanen AND RANTAREMMI, where he works as a producer and keyboardist, as well as others which we do not know anything yet :) Musaa a man makes when getting busy schedule. Previous gigs he put on his H2O festival in Turku, Finland, Bugari Ormond Rantaremmin with the project, as well as with the course. 

Turku syntetisaattoriseura has produced a compilation album of all the songs have been completely OLEGTRON 4060 with. Songs can be listened to on SoundCloud.

for sale 149 euro all in 

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